GC-MS Section

Welcome to the GC-MS Department

Department ManagerContact
Prof. Dr. Andreas Schmidt

Clausthal University of Technology

Institute for Organic Chemistry

GC-MS Department

Leibnizstrasse 6

38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld

Tel.: (measuring room) 05323 / 72 2842

Marko Spillner (CTA) Maike Weigert (chemical laboratory assistant)
GC-MS measurements

GC-MS measurements

Varian 320 MS TQ Mass Spectrometer (EI,- CI,- Direkteinlaß (DEP und DIP) sowie MS-MS- Messungen)



BRUKER IMPACT II mit ESI- und APCI-Quelle gekoppelt mit Agilent 1290 Infinity HPLC