Publications, lectures, posters
Member the Editorial Advisory Board of Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry, Academic Press, San Diego, CA, USA
Author of the following monographs and dictionaries:
Comprehensive Organic Functional Group Transformations II (COFGT-II), A. R. Katritzky, R. J. K. Taylor (Eds.), Elsevier, Pergamon, Oxford, UK.
Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry, A. R. Katritzky (Ed.), Academic Press, San Diego, CA, USA.
Science of Synthesis, Thieme Verlagsgruppe, Stuttgart.
Roempp Online Chemielexika, Thieme Verlagsgruppe, Stuttgart.
A. Zgheib, M. H. Fischer, S. M. Tsanang, I. El Hraoui, A. Wollmann, A. P. Weber, U. E. A. Fittschen, T. Schirmer, A. Schmidt*, Separations 2024, 11, 362. Froth flotation of plasma-pretreated lithium aluminate and gehlenite using light-switchable collectors based on the natural product punicine. DOI: 10.3390/separations11120362.
L. Pruschinski, S. R. Kahnert, C. Herzberger, J. C. Namyslo, A. Schmidt*, J. Org. Chem. 2025, on-line. Studies on the effect of positive and negative charges on the 77Se NMR shifts of selenones and selenenyls of N-heterocyclic carbenes of imidazolium-4,5-dicarboxylates. DOI: 10.1021/acs.joc.4c02581.
F. Strube*, B. M. Guy, L. Pereira, D. Ebert, A. Zgheib, M. Fischer, R. Möckel, A. Schmidt, M. Rudolph*, Minerals, manuscript submitted. Batch flotation of lithium-bearing slag - a special focus on phase properties of engineered artificial minerals for enhanced recycling of end-of-life lithium ion batteries.
S. R. Kahnert, L. Pruschinski, A. Schmidt*, Adv. Heterocycl. Chem. 2025, 145, in print. 77Se NMR spectroscopy of selenium adducts of N-heterocyclic carbenes. DOI: 10.1016/bs.aihch.2024.10.004.
L. Pruschinski, J. C. Namyslo, A. Schmidt*, J. Org. Chem. 2024, 89, 15003 - 15019. Anionic N-heterocyclic carbenes from mesoionic imidazolium-4-pyrrolides. The influence of substituents, solvents, and charge on their 77Se NMR chemical shifts. DOI: 10.1021/acs.joc.4c01732
F. Steiner, A. Zgheib, M. H. Fischer, L. Büttner, A. Schmidt*, S. Breitung-Faes*, Minerals 2024, 14, 650. In-situ hydrophobization of lithium aluminate particles for flotations by dry grinding in the presence of punicines. DOI: 10.3390/min14070650
Y. V. Ostapiuk*, O. V. Barabash, M. Y. Ostapiuk, C. Herzberger, M. Plieth, A. Schmidt*, Synthesis 2024, 57, 647 - 658. Three Component Self-Catalytic Syntheses of Functionalized Selenocyanates. DOI: 10.1055/s-0040-1720145
A. Zgheib, M. H. Fischer, J. C. Namyslo, U. E. A. Fittschen, A. Wollmann, A. Weber, A. Schmidt*, ChemSusChem 2024, e202301900. Photo-switchable collectors for the flotation of lithium aluminate for the recycling of the critical raw material lithium. DOI: 10.1002/cssc.202301900
S. R. Kahnert, J. C. Namyslo, K. Rissanen, M. Nieger, A. Schmidt*, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2024, e202400163. Imidazolium Dicyanomethylides as N-Ylide Precursors of Anionic N-Heterocyclic Carbenes. DOI: 10.1002/ejoc.202400163
A. Zgheib, S. Acker, M. H. Fischer, J. C. Namyslo, F. Strube, M. Rudolph, U. E. A. Fittschen, A. Wollmann, A. Weber, M. Nieger, A. Schmidt*, RSC Adv. 2024, 14, 9353 - 9364. Lithium aluminate flotation by pH- and light-switchable collectors based on the natural product punicine. DOI: 10.1039/D4RA00116H
A. Tombrink, S. Nagorny, S. Batsyts, J. C. Namyslo, F. Lederle, E. G. Hübner, J. Adams, A. Schmidt*, Chem. Eur. J. 2024, e202304034. Highly Sensitive Switchable Sensors for Hydroxide on Glass Surfaces Based on Isoquinolinium-Quinoliunium-substituted Acetylenes. DOI: 10.1002/chem.202304034
S. Nagorny, M. Schewe, T. Weingartz, A. Eitzeroth, J. Adams, C. Rembe, A. Schmidt*, Mater. Adv. 2024, 5, 159 - 170. Stabilities of bis(thienyl)ethenes in polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) coatings as absorbance modulation layers for nanoscale imaging. DOI: 10.1039/D3MA00791J
T. Weingartz, S. Nagorny, J. Adams, A. Eitzeroth, M. Schewe, C. Rembe, A. Schmidt*, RSC Adv. 2023,13, 25704 - 25716. Bis(thienyl)ethenes with alpha-methoxymethyl groups. Syntheses, spectroscopic Hammett plots, and stabilities in PMMA films. DOI: 10.1039/D3RA04444K
A. Schmidt, C. Otto, A. Fischer, Switable adsorption materials based on punicines and ylides for selective separation and recycling of metal cations and metal-containing anions from complex solutions. Patent. EP 23170043.6.
A. Schmidt, S. Acker, A. Zgheib, M. Fischer, Punicin and its derivatives as collectors for flotation. Patent. EP 23170043.6.
A. Schmidt, S. Nagorny, T. Weingartz, Fortschrittsbereichte der Materialforschung und Werkstofftechnik, 2023. Von schaltbaren Molekülen zu schaltbaren Materialien: Reversible Eigenschaftsänderungen durch Licht.
S. Mummel, F. Lederle, E. G. Hübner, J. C. Namyslo, M. Nieger, A. Schmidt*, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2023, e202300216. Sydnone Methides: Intermediates between Mesoionic Compounds and Mesoionic N-Heterocyclic Olefins. DOI: 10.1002/ejoc.202300216. VERY IMPORTANT PAPER
P. Jain, C. Geisler, D. Leitz, V. Udachin, S. Nagorny, T. Weingartz, J. Adams, A. Schmidt, C. Rembe, A. Egner*, ACS Nanoscience Au2023, 3, 5, 375 - 380. Super-resolution Refelection Microscopy via Absorbance Modulation. DOI: 10.1021/acsnanoscienceau.3c00013
S. Acker, J. C. Namyslo, M. Rudolph, F. Strube, U. E. A. Fittschen, H. Qiu, D. Goldmann, A. Schmidt*, RSC Adv. 2023, 13, 6593 - 6605. Polyether-tethered imidazole-2-thiones, imidazole-2-selenones and imidazolium salts as collectors for the flotation of lithium aluminate and spodumene. DOI: 10.1039/D2RA07627F
S. O. Batsyts*, A. Tombrink, F. Lederle, E. G. Hübner, J. C. Namyslo, M. Nieger, A. Schmidt*, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2022, 2202201244. Ethynyl-Bridged Bis-Quinolinium Dyes. Studies Toward the Dependence of Different Types of Conjugation on Spectroscopic Properties. DOI: 10.1002/ejoc.202201244
S. Nagorny, T. Weingartz, J. C. Namyslo, J. Adams, A. Schmidt*, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2022, e202200996. Correlation between absorption and substitution of 1,2-bis(thienyl)ethenes (BTEs) using modified spectroscopic Hammett equations. DOI 10.1002/ejoc.202200996. VERY IMPORTANT PAPER
Y. V. Ostapiuk*, O. V. Barabash, M. Y. Ostapiuk, E. Goreshnik, M. D. Obushak, A. Schmidt*, Org. Lett.2022, 24(25), 4575 - 4579. Thiocyanatoarylation of Methyl Vinyl Ketone under Meerwein Conditions for the Synthesis of 2-Aminothiazole-based Heterocyclic Systems. DOI: 10.1021/acs.orglett.2c01677
K. Hillrichs, J. C. Namyslo, F. Lederle, E. G. Hübner, A. Schmidt*, Synthesis2022, 3351 – 3366. Pyrazoles in the Intersection of Mesomeric Betaines and N-Heterocyclic Carbenes. Formation of NHC Selenium Adducts of Pyrazolium-4-aminides. DOI: 10.1055/s-0040-1719912
Y. V. Ostapiuk*, M. Y. Ostapiuk, O. V. Barabash, M. Kravets, C. Herzberger, J. C. Namyslo, M. D. Obushak, A. Schmidt*, Synthesis2022, 54, 3658 – 3666. One pot syntheses of substituted 2-aminothiazoles and 2-aminoselenazoles via Meerwein arylation of alkyl vinyl ketones. DOI: 10.1055/s-0040-1719849
Y. V. Ostapiuk*, M. Shehedyn, O. V. Barabash, B. Demydchuk, S. Batsyts, C. Herzberger, A. Schmidt*, Synthesis 2022, 54, 732 - 740. Bromoarylation of Methyl 2-chloroacrylate under Meerwein Conditions for the Synthesis of Substituted 3-Hydroxythiophenes. DOI: 10.1055/s-0040-1719849
H. Taş, J. Adams, J. C. Namyslo, A. Schmidt*, RSC Advances2021, 11, 36450 – 36458. Zn2+ detection of a benzimidazole 8-aminoquinoline fluorescent sensor by inhibited tautomerization. DOI: 10.1039/d1ra05591g
A. T. Storm, M. Nieger, M. Gjikaj, J. C. Namyslo, J. Adams, A. Schmidt*, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2021, 34, 4803 – 4815. 1,3-Thiazol-4-aminides: Syntheses and Characterizations of Fluorescent Mesoionic Compounds. DOI: 10.1002/ejoc.202100794
S. Mummel, F. Lederle, E. Hübner, J. C. Namyslo, M. Nieger, A. Schmidt*, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2021, 60, 18882 – 18887. Sydnone methides – a forgotten class of mesoionic compounds for the generation of anionic N-heterocyclic carbenes. Angew. Chem. 2021, 133, 19032 – 19037. Sydnonmethide – fast vergessene Mesoionen als Vorläufermoleküle von anionischen N-heterocyclischen Carbenen.DOI: 10.1002/anie.202107495; DOI: 10.1002/ange.202107495
S. Nagorny, F. Lederle, V. Udachin, T. Weingartz, E. G. Hübner, S. Dahle, W. Maus-Friedrichs, J. Adams, A. Schmidt*, Eur. J. Org. Chem.2021, 3178 – 3189. Switchable mesomeric betaines derived from pyridinium-phenolates and bis(thienyl)ethane. DOI: 10.1002/ejoc.202100279
N. L. Ahlburg, T. Freese, S. Kolb, S. Mummel, A. Schmidt, D. B. Werz*, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2021, 1603 – 1606. Functionalization of Sydnones with Donor-Acceptor Cyclopropanes, Cyclobutanes and Michael Acceptors. DOI: 10.1002/ejoc.202100070
A. Schmidt*, C. F. Otto, J. C. Namyslo, A. Fischer, K. Filip, Fortschrittsber. Materialforsch. Werkstofftechn. / Bull. Mater. Res. Engin. 2021, 10, 601 – 620. Funktionalisierte Polymere auf Naturstoffbasis für Umwelttechnik und biologisiertes Metallrecycling. ISBN 978-3-8440-8021-6. ISSN 2364-0804.
T. Weingartz, A. Schmidt*, Tagungsband des Forschungsfeldkolloquiums 2020 der TU Clausthal, Forschungsfeld Rohstoffsicherung und Ressourceneffizienz, 171 – 178. Schaltbare organische Moleküle für das Recycling von Metallen
C. F. Otto, M. Liu, C. Herzberger, J. C. Namyslo, M. Nieger, E. G. Hübner, F. Lederle, T. Freese, A. Schmidt*, Tetrahedron2020, 76, 131627. Borane adducts of punicine and of its dehydroxy derivatives.
A.-L. Lücke, L. Pruschinski, T. Freese, A. Schmidt*, ARKIVOC 2020, VII, 94 - 104. Sonogashira-Hagihara and Buchwald-Hartwig cross-coupling reactions with sydnone and sydnone imine derived catalysts.(dedicated to Prof. Jan Bergman on the occasion of his 80th birthday)
L. Pruschinski, A.-L. Lücke, T. Freese, S.-R. Kahnert, S. Mummel, A. Schmidt*, Synthesis 2020, 6, 882 - 892. Suzuki-Miyaura Cross-Couplings under Acidic Conditions.
S. Deev*, S. Batsyts, E. Sheina, T. S. Shestakova, I. Khalimbadza, M. A. Kiskin, V. Charushin, O. Chupakhin, A. S. Paramonov, T. O. Shenkarev, J. C. Namyslo, A. Schmidt*, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2020, 450 - 465. Betaine-N-heterocyclic carbene interconversions of quinazolin-4-one imidazolium mesomeric betaines. Sulfur, selenium and borane adduct formation. Selected as "Very Important Paper" by the editorial board.
S. Batsyts, M. Shehedyn, E. Goreshnik, M. D. Obushak, A. Schmidt*, Y. Ostapiuk*, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2019, 7842 - 7856. 2-Bromo-2-chloro-3-arylpropanenitriles as C-3 Synthons for the Synthesis of Functionalized 3-Aminothiophenes.
S. Batsyts, F. Lederle, E. G. Hübner, J. Adams, J. C. Namyslo, A. Schmidt*, Heterocycles 2019, 98, 1445 - 1454. A Propeller-shaped mesomeric betaine, tetraphenylbenzene-1-quinolinium-2-benzoate.
S. Batsyts, J. C. Namyslo, E. Hübner, A. Schmidt, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2019, 6168 - 6176. The interconnection of two positive charges by conjugation and cross-conjugation in bis-quinolinium ethynyls.
T. Freese, M. Nieger, J. C. Namyslo, A. Schmidt*, Tetrahedron Lett. 2019, 60, 1272 - 1276. Cycloadditions of anionic N-heterocyclic carbenes of sydnone imines.
S. Batsyts, E. G. Hübner, J. C. Namyslo, M. Gjikaj, A. Schmidt*, Org. Biomol. Chem. 2019, 17, 4102 - 4114. Synthesis and characterization of propeller-shaped mono- to hexacationic quinolinium-substituted benzenes.
M. Drache, M. Stehle, J. Mätzig, K. Brandl, M. Jungbluth, J. C. Namyslo, A. Schmidt, S. Beuermann*, J. Polym. Chem. 2019, 10, 1956 - 1967. Identification of beta scission products from free radical polymerizations of butyl acrylate at high temperature.
M. Michel*, T. Visnes, E. Homan, B. Seashore-Ludlow, M. Hedenström, W. Wiita, K. Vallin, C. Paulin, J. Zhang, O. Wallner, M. Scobie, A. Schmidt, A. Jenmalm-Jensen, U. Warpman Berglund, T. Helleday, ACS Omega 2019, 4, 7, 11642 - 11656. Computational and experimental druggability assessment of human DNA glycolases.
T. Freese, J. C. Namyslo, M. Nieger, A. Schmidt*, RSC Advances 2019, 9, 4781 - 4788. Sulfur, mercury, and boron adducts of sydnone imine derived anionic N-heterocyclic carbenes.
M. Marschewski, W. Maus-Friedrichs, H. Tas, C. Otto, A. Schmidt, O. Höfft*, Fortschrittsberichte der Materialforschung und Werkstofftechnik / Bulletin of Materials Research and Engineering, 2019, 7, Tagungsband 3, Niedersächsisches Symposium Materialtechnik, 469 - 479. Shaker Verlag (ISBN 978-3-8440-6471-1). Untersuchungen zur Adsorption von Benzoesäuren auf Gold-, oxidiertem Aluminium- und auf Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite (HOPG)-Oberflächen mittels Metastable Induced Electron Spectroscopy (MIES).
S. Batsyts, R. Vedmid, J. C. Namyslo, M. Nieger, A. Schmidt*, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2019, 1301 - 1310. 3-Aryl Substituted 1-Methylquinolinium Salts as Carbene Prescursors.
J. Zhang, E. G. Hübner, J. C. Namyslo, M. Nieger, A. Schmidt*, Org. Biomol. Chem. 2018, 16, 6801-6801. Purine-substituted imidazolium mesomeric betaines and their tautomeric N-heterocyclic carbenes. Formation of a cyclic borane adduct.
M. Marschewski, H. Tas, C. Otto, W. Maus-Friedrichs, A. Schmidt*, O. Höfft*, J. Electr. Spec. Phenom. 2018, 229, 26 - 32. Adsorption study on thin films of terephthalic acid and substituted benzoic acids on HOPG studied by metastable induced electron spectroscopy and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy.
N. L. Ahlburg, O. Doppleb, K. Hillrichs, J. C. Namyslo, E. G. Hübner, A. Schmidt*, Heterocycles 2018, 96, 1203-1215. Deprotonation of 4-Ethynylpyrazolium salts.
S. Batsyts, F. J. Ramírez, J. Casado, J. C. Namyslo, A. Schmidt*, Z. Naturforsch. 2018, 73, 481 - 491. Chemistry and spectroscopy of cross-conjugated and pseudo-cross-conjugated quinolinium-ethynyl-benzoate mesomeric betaines. (Themenheft der 13. Tagung über Iminiumsalze, 2017, Goslar).
A.-L. Lücke, S. Wiechmann, T. Freese, M. Nieger, T. Földes, I. Pápai, M. Gjikaj, A. Adam, A. Schmidt*, Tetrahedron 2018, 74, 2092 - 2099. Anionic N-heterocyclic carbenes by decarboxylation of sydnone-4-carboxylates.
T. Freese, A.-L. Lücke, J. C. Namyslo, M. Nieger, A. Schmidt*, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2018, 1646 - 1654. Heterocycle syntheses with anionic N-heterocyclic carbenes. Ring transformations of sydnone imine anions.
T. Freese, A.-L. Lücke, C. A. S. Schmidt, M.Polamo, M. Nieger, J. C. Namyslo, A. Schmidt*, Tetrahedron 2017, 73, 5350 - 5357. Anionic N-heterocyclic carbenes derived from sydnone imines such as molsidomine.Trapping reactions with selenium, palladium and gold.
F. Uhrner, F. Lederle, J. C. Namyslo, M. Gjikaj, A. Schmidt, E. G. Hübner*, Tetrahedron 2017, 73, 4472 - 4480. Reaction of N-heterocyclic carbaldehydes with furanones - An investigation of reactivity and regioselectivity.
A. Smeyanov, J. Adams, E. G. Hübner, A. Schmidt*, Tetrahedron 2017, 73, 3106 - 3111. Mesomeric betaines constructed of quinolinium cations and carboxylate anions separated by thiophene-ethynyl-spacers as fluorescent dipoles.
A.-L. Lücke, S. Wiechmann, T. Freese, A. Schmidt*, Synlett 2017, 28, 1990 - 1993. Suzuki-Miyaura Cross-Coupling Reactions in Acetic Acid Employing Sydnone-Derived Catalyst Systems.
J. Hiller, M. Liu A. Schmidt*, Heterocycles 2017, 94(5), 821 - 858. Heterocycles Polycations. Syntheses and Reactions of (Oligo)pyridinium and (Oligo)imidazolium Salts.
A. Schmidt*, T. Grimm, P. S. Tuchel, J. C. Namyslo, A. Fischer, K. Filip, Fortschrittsberichte der Materialforschung und Werkstofftechnik 2017, Vol. 4, 419 - 432. Funktionalisierte Polymere mit Buchstaben aus der biologischen Erbsubstanz.
M. Liu, J. C. Namyslo, M. Nieger, M. Polamo, A. Schmidt*, Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2016, 12, 2673 - 2681. From betaines to anionic N-heterocyclic carbenes. Borane, gold, rhodium, and nickel complexes starting from an imidazoliumphenolate and its carbene tautomer.
S. Haindl, J. Xu, T. Freese, E. G. Hübner, A. Schmidt*, Tetrahedron 2016, 72, 7906 - 7911. The intersection of allenylidenes and mesomeric betaines. 1-Methylpyridinium-2-acetylide and its palladium complexes.
A. Schmidt*, S. Batsyts, A. Smeyanov, T. Freese, E. G. Hübner, M. Nieger, J. Org. Chem. 2016, 81, 4202 - 4209. Dipolar Bent and Linear Acetylenes Substituted by Cationic Quinolinium and Anionic Benzoates. Formation of Mesomeric Betaines.
M. Liu, M. Nieger, E. Hübner, A. Schmidt*, Chem. Eur. J. 2016, 22, 5416 - 5424. Formation of N-Heterocyclic Carbenes by Tautomerisation of Mesomeric Betaines. Cyclic Boron Adducts and Palladium Complexes starting from 2-(Imidazolium-1-yl)phenolates.
A. Schmidt*, S. Wiechmann, C. F. Otto, Adv. Heterocycl. Chem. 2016, 119, 143 - 172. N-Heterocyclic Carbenes.
A.-L. Lücke, S. Wiechmann, T. Freese, Z. Guan, A. Schmidt*, Z. Naturforsch. 2016, 71b, 643 - 650. Palladium Complexes of Anionic N-Heterocyclic Carbenes Derived from Sydnones in Catalysis. (Thematic issue on "Iminium Salts" and the "Conference on Imnium Salts IMSAT-12 2015")
J. Zhang, M. Franz, E. Hübner, A. Schmidt*, Tetrahedron 2016, 72, 525 - 531. N-Heterocyclic carbenes by tautomerization of mesomeric betaines. Thione, selenone, and borane adduct formations of imidazolium-isocytosinates.
A. Smeyanov, M. Nieger, R. Gustus, W. Maus-Friedrichs, A. Schmidt*, Z. Naturforsch. 2015, 70b, 897 - 902. The structure of a coordination polymer constructed of manganese biphenyl-4,4´-dicarboxylate. DOI: 10.1515/znb-2015-0120
A. Smeyanov, J. C. Namyslo, E. Hübner, M. Nieger, A. Schmidt*, Tetrahedron 2015, 71, 6665 - 6671. Synthesis, Characterization and Palladium Complex Formation of Pyridinium- and Quinolinium-3-acetylides: Mesomeric Betaines or Betaine-Stabilized Carbenes?
A. Schmidt*, M. Liu, Adv. Heterocycl. Chem. 2015, 115, 288 - 353. Recent advances in the chemistry of acridines.
Z. Guan, M. Nieger, A. Schmidt*, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2015, 4710 - 4719. Organic synthesis with N-heterocyclic carbenes of indazole. Syntheses of benzo(thio)imidates, benzo[d][1,3]thiazines and quinazoline-4-thiones.
A. Schmidt*, M. Albrecht, T. Mordhorst, C. F. Otto, H. Fleischhauer, M. Topp, Fortschrittsberichte der Materialforschung und Werkstofftechnik / Bulletin of Materials Research and Engineering, Shaker-Verlag, 2015, S. 318 - 326. ISN 2364-0804; ISBN 978-3-8440-3403-5.
Z. Guan, K. Hillrichs, C. Ünlü, K. Rissanen, M. Nieger, A. Schmidt*, Tetrahedron 2015, 71, 276 - 282. Synthesis of 2-anilinobenzimidates, anthranilamides and 2,3-dihydroquinazolin-4(1H)-ones from N-heterocyclic carbenes of indazole.
M. Marschewski, C. Otto, L. Wegewitz, O. Höfft, A. Schmidt, W. Maus-Friedrichs*, Appl. Surface Sci. 2015, 339, 9 - 14. Adsorption analysis of thin films of terephthalic acid on Au and Al studied by MIES, UPS and XPS.
M. Liu, M. Nieger, A. Schmidt*, Chem. Commun. 2015, 51, 477 - 479. Mesomeric betaine - N-heterocyclic carbene interconversions of 1,2,4-triazolium-phenolates. Sulfur, selenium, and borane adduct formation. DOI:10.1039/c4cc08032g
Z. Guan, M. Gjikaj, A. Schmidt*, Heterocycles 2014, 10, 2356 - 2367. Syntheses of acridines and quinazoline-2,4(1H,3H)dithiones by rearrangements of N-heterocyclic carbenes of indazole.
N. Pidlypnyi, S. Wolf. M. Liu, K. Rissanen, M. Nieger, A. Schmidt*, Tetrahedron 2014, 70, 8672 - 8680. N-Heterocyclic carbenes from ylides of indolyl-imidazolium, azaindolyl-imidazolium, and indolyl-triazolium salts, and their borane adducts.
Z. Guan, M. Gjikaj, A. Schmidt*, Z. Naturforsch. 2015, 70b, 83 - 89. 2-Ethyl-1-phenylindazolium hexafluorophosphate. N-Heterocyclic carbene formation, rearrangement, ring-cleavage reactions, and rhodium complex formation.
S. Wiechmann, T. Freese, M. H. H. Drafz, E. G. Hübner, J. C. Namyslo, M. Nieger, A. Schmidt*, Chem. Commun. 2014, 50, 11822 - 11824. Sydnone anions and abnormal N-heterocyclic carbenes of O-ethylsydnones. Characterizations, calculations, and catalyses.
Z. Guan, J. C. Namyslo, M. H. H. Drafz, M. Nieger, A. Schmidt*, Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2014, 10, 832 - 840. Dimerisation, rhodium complex formation, and rearrangements of N-heterocyclic carbenes of indazoles
N. Pidlypnyi, S. Kaul, S. Wolf, M. H. H. Drafz, A. Schmidt*, Z. Naturforsch. B. 2014, 69b, 605 - 614. Syntheses and characterization of N-(indolyl)pyridinium salts and of their ylides.
J. Zhang, N. Pidlypnyi, M. Nieger, J. C. Namyslo, A. Schmidt*, Org. Biomol. Chem. 2014, 12, 2737 - 2744. Zwitterionic borane adducts of N-heterocyclic carbenes from mesomeric betaines of uracil.
S. Dahle, J. Meuthen, A. Schmidt, W. Maus-Friedrichs, G. Sourkouni, C. Argirusis*, RSC Adv. 2014, 4, 2628 - 2633.
A. S. Lindner, E. Geist, M. Gjikaj, A. Schmidt*, J. Heterocycl. Chem. 2014, 51, 423 - 431. Syntheses of N10-substituted 7-Arylpyrrolo[2,1-c]-[1,4]benzodiazepine-5,11-diones.
N. Pidlypnyi, F. Uhrner, M. Nieger, M. H. H. Drafz, E. G. Hübner, J. C. Namyslo, A. Schmidt*, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2013, 7739 - 7748. N-Heterocyclic Carbene - Betaine Interconversions. Tautomeric Equilibria of Imidazolium-indolates and Indole-substituted Imidazol-2-ylidenes.
A. Schmidt*, S. Wiechmann, T. Freese, ARKIVOC 2013, i, 424 - 469. Recent advances in neutral and anionic N-heterocyclic carbene - betaine interconversions. Syntheses, characterizations and applications.
Z. Guan, S. Wiechmann, M. Drafz, E. Hübner, A. Schmidt*, Org. Biomol. Chem. 2013, 11, 3558 - 3567. Pericyclic Rearrangements of N-Heterocyclic Carbenes of Indazoles to Substituted 9-Aminoacridines.
N. Pidlypnyi, J. C. Namyslo, M. H. H. Drafz, M. Nieger, A. Schmidt*, J. Org. Chem. 2013, 78, 1070 - 1078. Betaine-Carbene Interconversions. From N-Ylides to Zwitterionic N-Heterocyclic Carbene-Borane Adducts.
A. Smeyanov, A. Schmidt*, Synth. Commun. 2013, 20, 2809 - 2816. A K3PO4 - KOH mixture as efficient reagent for the deprotection of 4-aryl-2-methyl-3-butyn-2-ols to terminal acetylenes.
A. Schmidt*, Z. Guan, Synthesis 2012, 3251 - 3268. Mesomeric Betaines and N-Heterocyclic Carbenes of Pyrazole and Indazole.
A. Dreger, M. Nieger, M. Drafz, A. Schmidt*, Z. Naturforsch. B, 2012, 67b, 359 - 366. Synthesis of a Pyrazol-3-ylidene Palladium Complex, Pyrazolium Salts and Mesomeric Betaines of Pyrazole as N-Heterocyclic Carbene Precursors.
M. Albrecht, M. Nieger, A. Schmidt*, Z. Naturforsch. B, 2012, 67b, 103 - 106. A Metal-Organic Framework Constructed of 1,2-Di(pyridin-4-yl)ethyne, Terephthalic Acid, and Zinc(II) Nitrate.
A. Dreger, N. Münster, B. Nieto-Ortega, F. J. Ramírez, M. Gjikaj, A. Schmidt*, ARKIVOC 2012, iii, 20 - 37. Pyrazolium-sulfonates. Mesomeric betaines possessing iminium-sulfonate partial structures.
A. Rahimi, I. Pápai, Á. Madarász, M. Gjikaj, J. C. Namyslo, A. Schmidt*, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2012, 754 - 763. A Cyclobutene-1,2-bis(imidazolium) Salt as Preligand for Palladium-Catalysed Cross-Coupling Reactions: Properties and Applications.
A. Rahimi, J. C. Namyslo, M. H. H. Drafz, J. Halm, E. Hübner, M. Nieger, N. Rautzenberg, A. Schmidt*, J. Org. Chem. 2011, 76, 7316 - 7325. Selective mono- to perarylations of tetrabromothiophene by a cyclobutene-1,2-diyl-bisimidazolium preligand.
M. Albrecht, M. Nieger, A. Schmidt*, Z. Naturforsch. 2011, 66b, 209 - 212. A Metal-Organic Framework Constructed of 1,4-Di(pyridin-4-yl)-buta-1,3-diyne and Nickel(II) nitrate.
A. Schmidt*, A. Dreger, Curr. Org. Chem. 2011, 15, 2897 - 2970. Recent Advances in the Chemistry of Pyrazoles. Part 2. Reactions and N-Heterocyclic Carbenes of Pyrazole.
A. Schmidt*, A. Dreger, Curr. Org. Chem. 2011, 15, 1423 - 1463. Recent Advances in the Chemistry of Pyrazoles. Part 1. Properties, Biological Activities, and Syntheses.
M. Albrecht, M. Gjikaj, A. Schmidt*, Tetrahedron 2010, 66, 7149 - 7154. Switchable pi-Complexes of Punicine Derivatives.
A. Dreger, R. Cisneros Camuña, N. Münster, T. A. Rokob, I. Pápai, A. Schmidt*, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2010, 4296 - 4305. Rearrangements of N-Heterocyclic Carbenes of Pyrazoles to 4-Aminoquinolines and Benzoquinolines.
A. Rahimi, A. Schmidt*, Synlett 2010, 1327 - 1330. A Cyclobuten-bis(imidazolium) Salt as Efficient Precursor of Palladium-catalyzed Room-Temperature Suzuki-Miyaura Reactions.
A. Rahimi, A. Schmidt*, Synthesis 2010, 2621 - 2625. Tandem-Suzuki-Miyaura Cross-Coupling / Dehydrobromination of 1,1-Dibromoalkenes to Alkynes with a Cyclobuten-1,2-diyl-bis-imidazolium Salt as Catalyst Precursor
A. Schmidt*, A. Rahimi, Chem. Comm. 2010, 46, 2995 - 2997. A Versatile Catalyst System for Suzuki-Miyaura Syntheses of Sterically Hindered Biaryls Employing a Cyclobutene-1,2-bis(imidazolium) Salt.
M. Albrecht, M. Yulikov, T. Kohn, G. Jeschke, J. Adams, A. Schmidt*, J. Mater. Chem. 2010, 20, 3025 - 3034. Pyridinium Salts and Ylides as Partial Structures of Photoresponsive Merrifield Resins.
L. Merkel, M. G. Hoesl, M. Albrecht, A. Schmidt, N. Budisa*, ChemBioChem. 2010, 11, 305 - 314. Blue Fluorescent Amino Acids as in vivo Building Blocks for Proteins.
A. Schmidt*, N. Münster, A. Dreger, Angew. Chem. 2010, 122, 2851 - 2854. Funktionalisierte 4-Aminochinoline durch Umlagerung von N-heterocyclischen Carbenen des Pyrazols; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2010, 49, 2790 - 2793. Functionalized 4-Aminoquinolines by Rearrangement of N-heterocyclic Carbenes of Pyrazole.
A. Schmidt, A. Lindner, J. Casado Cordon, J. T. López Navarrete, F. J. Ramírez*, Chem. Phys. 2010, 371(1-3), 1 - 9. Mesomeric Betaine Chemistry in Solution: Solvent Effect on the Structure and Spectra of Uracilyl-Pyridinium Betaines.
A. Rahimi, M. Gjikaj, A. Schmidt*, Synlett 2009, 2583 - 2588. Thieme Chemistry Journal Awardees - Where are they now? [3]-Cumulenes, Sulfanyl-substituted Butadienes and Functionalized Thiophenes Starting from Polypyridinium Salts.
A. Lindner, M. Nieger, A. Schmidt*, Tetrahedron 2009, 65, 7591 - 7596. Synthesis and Properties of Imidazo[1,2-a]pyridinium-3-olate. Some revised Structures.
S. Scherbakow, J. C. Namyslo, M. Gjikaj, A. Schmidt*, Synlett 2009, 1964 - 1968. Syntheses of Amidines from Thioamides, Mediated by the N-Heterocyclic Carbene Indazol-3-ylidene.
A. Schmidt*, A. Rahimi, M. Gjikaj, Synthesis 2009, 2371 - 2378. Sulfanyl-substituted [3]-Cumulenes and 1,3-Butadienes from a Tetrakis(pyridinium)-substituted Butadiene.
M. Albrecht, O. Schneider, A. Schmidt*, Org. Biomol. Chem. 2009, 7, 1445 - 1453. Redox-Active Donor-Substituted Punicin Derivatives.
C. Capel Ferrón, J. Casado, J. T. López Navarrete, A. Dreger, A. Schmidt, F. J. Ramírez*, J. Raman Spectrosc. 2009, 40, 238. A Raman Approach to Pseudo-Cross-Conjugation in Mesomeric Betaines.
A. Schmidt, B. Snovydovych, J. Casado, J. J. Quirante, J. T. López Navarrete, F. J. Ramírez*, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2009, 11, 341 -348. Quantum Mechanical Study and Vibrational Spectra of Indazolium-3-carboxylate and its Decarboxylation Product, the N-Heterocyclic Carbene Indazol-3-ylidene.
A. Lindner, A. Schmidt*, Synlett 2008, 2961 - 2964. N-Heterocyclic Carbenes of Indazole as Reagents. Indazol-3-ylidene Mediated Syntheses of Amidines from Thiolactams of Pyrrolobenzodiazepines.
A. Schmidt*, B. Snovydovych, S. Hemmen, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2008, 4313 - 4320. N-Heterocyclic Carbene Induced Cycloadditions of Indazoles with Acetylenes to a New Ring System.
A. Schmidt*, B. Snovydovych, M. Gjikaj, Synthesis 2008, 2798 - 2804. N-Heterocyclic Carbenes of Indazole. Ring Enlargement Reactions by alpha-Haloketones and Dehalogenations of Vicinal Dihalides.
A. Schmidt*, M. Albrecht, Z. Naturforsch. 2008, 63b, 465 - 472. Photocatalytically Active Materials with Pyridinium-Enolate Partial Structures. (Sammelband der IMSAT-8)
A. Schmidt*, A. Beutler, M. Albrecht, F. J. Ramírez, Org. Biomol. Chem. 2008, 6, 287 - 295. Imidazol-2- and 4-ylidene by Decarboxylation. Studies on the Cross-conjugated Mesomeric Betaine-alkaloid Norzooanemonine and its Pseudo-cross-conjugated Isomer.
A. Schmidt*, A. S. Lindner, A. Gholipour Shilabin, M. Nieger, Tetrahedron 2008, 64, 2048 - 2056. New Derivatives and Ring Systems of Annulated Pyrrolobenzo[1,4]diazepines.
A. Schmidt*, T. Habeck, B. Snovydovych, W. Eisfeld, Org. Lett. 2007, 9, 3515 - 3518. Addition Reactions and Redox Esterifications of Carbonyl Compounds by N-Heterocyclic Carbenes of Indazole.
A. Schmidt, A. S. Lindner, J. Casado, J. Ramírez*, J. Raman Spectrosc. 2007, 38, 1500 - 1509. Vibrational Spectra and Quantum Chemical Calculations of Uracilyl-Pyridinium Mesomeric Betaines.
A. Schmidt*, B. Snovydovych, T. Habeck, P. Dröttboom, M. Gjikaj, A. Adam, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2007, 4909 - 4916. N-Heterocyclic Carbenes of 5-Haloindazoles Generated by Decarboxylation of 5-Haloindazolium-3-carboxylates
A. Schmidt*, M. Albrecht, T. Mordhorst, M. Topp, G. Jeschke, J. Mater. Chem. 2007, 17, 2793 - 2800. Studies on Photocatalytically Active Materials Containing Structure Elements of a Pyridinium Alkaloid from Punica granatum
A. Schmidt*, T. Habeck, A. S. Lindner, B. Snovydovych, J. C. Namyslo, A. Adam, M. Gjikaj, J. Org. Chem. 2007, 72, 2236 - 2239. Translation of Pseudo-Cross-Conjugation into Chemistry: Cycloadditions of Mesomeric Betaines to the New Ring System Spiro[indazole-3,3´-pyrrole].
A. Schmidt*, T. Mordhorst, J. C. Namyslo, W. Telle, J. Heterocycl. Chem. 2007, 44, 679 - 684. Hetarenium Salts from Pentafluoropyridine. Syntheses, Spectroscopic Properties and Applications.
A. Schmidt*, M. Topp, T. Mordhorst, O. Schneider, Tetrahedron 2007, 63, 1842 - 1848. Redoxactive Derivatives of the Alkaloid Punicin from Punica granatum. Synthesis and Cyclovoltammetry.
A. Schmidt, A. S. Lindner, F. J. Ramirez*, J. Mol. Struct. 2007, 834 - 836, 311 - 317. DFT Calculations and Vibrational (FT-IR, FT-Raman) Spectra on an Uracilyl-Pyridinium Salt.
A. Schmidt*, T. Mordhorst, M. Nieger, Synthesis 2006, 3987 - 3996. Functionalized Pyridines by Substitution of Hetarenium-activated Pentachloropyridine with Bisnucleophiles.
A. Schmidt*, A. Lindner, M. Nieger, M. C. Ruiz Delgado, F. J. Ramirez, Org. Biomol. Chem. 2006, 4, 3056 - 3066. Syntheses, pi-Stacking Interactions, and Base-pairings of Uracil-pyridinium Salts and Uracilyl-betaines with Nucleobases.
A. Schmidt*, T. Mordhorst, Heterocycles 2006, 68, 1393 - 1400. Synthesis of 4-(Dimethylamino)pyridinium Substituted Pyrazine, Pyridazine, 1,3,5-Triazine, Purine, and Imidazole.
A. Schmidt*, J. C. Namyslo, T. Mordhorst, Tetrahedron 2006, 62, 6893 - 6898. Reactions of 4-(Dimethylamino)pyridinium Activated Pentachloropyridine with Nitrogen Nucleophiles and Hydride.
A. Schmidt*, A. Beutler, T. Habeck, T. Mordhorst, B. Snovydovych, Synthesis 2006, 1882 - 1894. Pseudo-Cross-Conjugated Mesomeric Betaines and Nucleophilic Carbenes of Indazole. (Feature Article auf Einladung von Prof. Dr. P. Knochel)
A. Schmidt*, T. Mordhorst, Z. Naturforsch. 61b, 2006, 396 - 405. Syntheses and Properties of Di- and Tricationic Hetarenium-Substituted Pyrimidines. (Sammelband der 7. Fachtagung über Iminiumsalze IMSAT-7)
A. Schmidt*, T. Mordhorst, M. Nieger, Tetrahedron 2006, 62, 1667 - 1674. Heteroarenium Salts in Synthesis. Highly Functionalized Tetra- and Pentasubstituted Pyridines.
A. Schmidt*, T. Mordhorst, M. Nieger, Org. Biomol. Chem. 2005, 3, 3788 - 3793. From Uncharged to Decacationic Molecules: Syntheses and Spectroscopic Properties of Heteroarenium-Substituted Pyridines.
H. Fleischhauer, L. Frormann*, A. Schmidt, Int. Mag. Extrusion 2005, 5 (11), 50 - 51. Vom Pflanzeninhaltsstoff zum Polymer. Neue Eigenschaften nach dem Vorbild der Natur. Teil 1.
A. Schmidt, T. Habeck, L. Merkel, M. Mäkinen, P. Vainiotalo*, Rapid Comm. Mass Spectrom. 2005, 19, 2211 - 2216. Electrospray-Ionization Mass Spectrometric Studies of Nucleophilic Carbenes Derived from Pyrazolium and Indazolium Carboxylates.
A. Schmidt*, T. Mordhorst, Z. Naturforsch. 2005, 60b, 683 - 687. Sulfanyl-Substituted Pyridines via Mono- and Tricationic Pyridinium Salts.
A. Schmidt*, T. Habeck, Lett. Org. Chem. 2005, 2, 37 - 39. Nucleophilic Carbenes of Pyrazoles Starting from Pseudo-cross-conjugated Mesomeric Betaines.
A. Schmidt*, T. Mordhorst, H. Fleischhauer, G. Jeschke, ARKIVOC 2005, X, 150 - 164. Coupled Photocatalytic Electron-Transfers with Derivatives of a Betaine Alkaloid from Punica granatum. (Prof. Alexandru Balaban gewidmet)
A. Schmidt*, L. Merkel, W. Eisfeld, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2005, 2124 - 2130. Nucleophilic Carbenes and Pseudo-Cross-Conjugated Mesomeric Betaines of Indazole Starting from Analogues of the Alkaloid-Betaine Nigellicine.
A. Schmidt*, T. Mordhorst. M. Nieger, Nat. Prod. Res. 2005, 19, 541 - 546. Investigation of a Betainic Alkaloid from Punica granatum.
A. Schmidt*, T. Mordhorst, Synthesis 2005, 781 - 786. Synthesis of Alkoxy-substituted Pyridines from Mono- and Tricationic Pyridinium Salts.
A. Schmidt*, A. Gholipour Shilabin, M. Nieger, Heterocycles 2005, 65, 625 - 632. Syntheses and Tautomerisations of Amino-Substituted and Pyrimidine-Annulated Pyrrolobenzodiazepines.
A. Schmidt*, A. Gholipour Shilabin, J. C. Namyslo, M. Nieger, S. Hemmen, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2005, 1781 - 1789. Pyrimidine-annulated Pyrrolobenzodiazepines. A New Ring System Related to Aspergillus Alkaloids.
A. Schmidt*, A. Gholipour Shilabin, Heterocycles 2004, 63, 2851 - 2858. Thiazolinone-annulated Benzopyrrolodiazepines. Syntheses and Properties of a New Ring System.
A. Padwa*, M.N. Jacquez, A. Schmidt. J. Org. Chem. 2004, 69, 33 - 45. An Approach toward Azacycles Using Photochemical and Radical Cyclizations of N-Alkenyl Substituted 5-Thioxopyrrolidin-2-ones.
A. Schmidt*, T. Mordhorst, ARKIVOC 2003, XIV, 233 - 245. Conjugated, Cross-Conjugated and Pseudo-Cross-Conjugated Derivatives of a Pyridinium Alkaloid fom Punica granatum.
A. Schmidt*, A. Gholipour Shilabin, M. Nieger, Org. Biomol. Chem. 2003, 1, 4342 - 4350. On Benzo[b][1.4]diazepinium-olates, -thiolates and -carboxylates as Anti-Hückel Mesomeric Betaines.
A. Schmidt*, A. Gholipour Shilabin, M. Nieger, Heterocycles 2003, 60, 2645 - 2651. Synthesis and X-ray Structure of 2,4-Dimethyl-6,7-benzo[1,5]diazepinium Picrates.
A. Schmidt*, T. Habeck, M. K. Kindermann, M. Nieger, J. Org. Chem. 2003, 68, 5977 - 5982. New Pyrazolinum-Carboxylates as Structural Analogs of the Pseudo-Cross-Conjugated Betainic Alkaloid Nigellicine.
A. Schmidt*, N. Kobakhidze, Heterocycles 2002, 57, 2231 - 2238. Synthesis, Tautomerism and Calculations of Mesomeric Betaines of Guanine.
A. Schmidt*, J. Heterocylic Chem. 2002, 39, 949 - 956. Synthesis and Characterization of Stable Betainic Pyrimidinaminides.
A. Schmidt*, T. Mordhorst, T. Habeck, Org. Lett. 2002, 4, 1375 -1377. Synthesis of New Pyridines with Oligocations and Oxygen Nucleophiles.
A. Schmidt*, P. Vainiotalo, M. K. Kindermann, M. Nieger, Heterocycles 2002, 57, 615 - 622. Synthesis, ESI and FAB Mass Spectrometry, and X-Ray Analysis of Di- and Tricationic Pyridinium Substituted Pyrimidines.
A. Schmidt*, N. Kobakhidze, M. K. Kindermann, J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans 1, 2002, 7, 982 - 990. Molecular Recognition of Modified Nucleobases. Self-Complementarity and Base-Pairing of Betainic Guanine Model Compounds.
A. Schmidt*, N. Kobakhidze, Chem. Lett. 2002, 2, 222 - 223. Synthesis and Base-Pairing of Self-Complementary Mesomeric Betaines of Guanine.
A. Schmidt*, M. K. Kindermann, Bull. Chem. Soc. 2001, 74, 2379 - 2384. p-Interactions of Modified Nucleobases. On Mesomeric Purine Betaines with Inversed Charge Properties.
A. Padwa*, M. N. Jacquez, A. Schmidt, Org. Lett. 2001, 11, 1781 - 1783. Intramolecular Photocycloaddition of Cyclic Thioimides as a Method for Heterocyclic Synthesis.
A. Schmidt*, M. K. Kindermann, Chem. Lett. 2001, 348 - 349. Synthesis of Self-Complementary Betainic Guanine Model Compounds.
A. Schmidt*, M. Nieger, Heterocycles 2001, 55, 827 - 834. Mesomeric Betainium Salts. Synthesis, X-Ray Analysis, and ESI Studies of Tripolar Pyrimidin-4-olates and Pyrimidin-4-aminides.
M. Mäkinen, A. Schmidt, P. Vainiotalo*, Eur. J. Mass Spectrom. 2000, 6, 259 - 265. Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry Study of Mesomeric Heterocyclic Betainium Ions.
A. Schmidt*, M. K. Kindermann, P. Vainiotalo, M. Nieger, J. Org. Chem. 1999, 64, 9499 - 9506. Charge-Separated Modified Nucleobases. On p-Interactions and Hydrogen-Bonding of Self-Complementary Cationic and Betainic Uracils.
A. Schmidt*, M. Nieger, Heterocycles 1999, 51, 2119 - 2126. Novel Heterocyclic Betaines: Synthesis, Ring-Cleavage, Spectroscopic Features and X-Ray Analysis of a Positively Charged Pyrimidin-4-olate.
A. Schmidt*, M. Nieger, J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 1, 1999, 10, 1325 - 1331. New Vinylogous Mesomeric Betaines: Synthesis and Tautomerism of Pyridiniopyrimidine Appended 5-Iminopenta-1,3-dienolates.
A. Schmidt*, M. K. Kindermann, M. Nieger, Heterocycles 1999, 51, 237 - 242. Modified Uracils Convertible between Cations, Conjugated, and Cross-Conjugated Mesomeric Betaines. Syntheses, Semiempirical Study,and X-Ray Analysis.
A. Schmidt*, Heterocycles 1998, 48, 865 - 868. Heteroaromatic Tripoles. Syntheses of Aminopyrimidinebispyridinium Salts and Bispyridiniopyrimidinaminides.
A. Schmidt*, M. K. Kindermann, J. Org. Chem. 1998, 63, 4636 - 4644. Heteroaromatic Tripoles. 2,6-Bis(hetarenio)pyrimidin-4-olates: Hybrids between Hetarenium Salts and Cross-Conjugated Mesomeric Betaines.
A. Schmidt*, M. K. Kindermann, J. Org. Chem. 1997, 62, 3910 - 3918. Charged and Betainic Nucleobases. On Syntheses and Properties of First Mesomeric Uracilylbetaines, Uracilates, and Novel Uracilium Salts.
A. Schmidt*, A. Hetzheim,Tetrahedron 1997, 53, 1295 - 1300. Charge-cumulated Hetarenes-1. (Pyrimidin-2,4,6-triyl)-tris-hetarenium Salts.
A. Schmidt*, A. Hetzheim, D. Albrecht, Heterocycles 1996, 43, 2153 - 2168. Novel Barbituric Acid Derivatives, Uracil-pyridinium Salts and Polycondensed Oxopyrimidines.
H. Wamhoff*, A. Schmidt, Heterocycles 1993, 35, 1055 - 1066. Pyrimido[4,5-d]pyrimidines, Pyrimido[4´,5´:4,5]pyrimido[6,1-a]azepines,and an Imidazo-[5,1-f][1,2,4]triazine by Three Component Reaction.
H. Wamhoff*, A. Schmidt, J. Org. Chem. 1993, 58, 6976 - 6984. Reactions of Uracils. 21. Zwitterionic Heteropolycyclic Uracils by aNovel Three-Component Reaction: Iminophosphorane, Isocyanate, Heteroarene.
H. Wamhoff*, A. Schmidt, M. Nieger, Tetrahedron Lett. 1991, 4473 - 4476. Heterocondensed Uracil Betaines by Three-Component Reaction: Iminophosphorane, Heteroarene, Isocyanate.
J. Hiller, M. Liu, A. Schmidt*, Heterocycles 2017, 94(5), 821 - 858. Heterocycle Polycations - Syntheses and Reactions of (Oligo)pyridinium and (Oligo)imidazolium Salts.
A. Schmidt*, M. Liu, Adv. Heterocyl. Chem. 2015, 115, 288 - 353. Recent advances in the chemistry of acridines.
A. Schmidt*, A. Beutler, B. Snovydovych, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2008, 4073 - 4095. Recent Advances in the Chemistry of Indazoles.
A. Schmidt, Science of Synthesis, C. A. Ramsden (Herausg.), Vol. 31, Chapter 27, Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, 2007. Arylamine N-Oxides and Arylaminoxyl Radicals.
A. Schmidt, Science of Synthesis, C. A. Ramsden (Herausg.), Vol. 31, Chapter 33, Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, 2007. N-Arylhydroxylamines.
A. Schmidt, Curr. Org. Chem. 2004, 8, 653-670. Biologically Active Mesomeric Betaines and Alkaloids Derived from 3-Hydroxypyridine, Pyridin-N-oxide, Nicotinic Acid and Picolinic Acid. Three Types of Conjugation and their Consequences.
A. Schmidt, Comprehensive Organic Functional Group Transformations II, A.R. Katritzky, C.A. Ramsden (Herausg.), Chapter 2.20, Elsevier, Oxford, 2004. Stabilized Substituted Ions and Radicals Bearind One Heteroatom.
A. Schmidt, Science of Synthesis, S.-I. Murahashi (Herausg.), Vol. 19, Chapter 19.5.3., Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, 2004. Nitriles: Introduction of the Cyanide Group by Substitution of H.
A. Schmidt, Adv. Heterocycl. Chem. 2003, 85, 67 - 171. Heterocyclic Mesomeric Betaines and Analogs in Natural Product Chemistry: Betainic Alkaloids and Nucleobases.
A.Schmidt, 2022, 2022, Was riecht denn da so gut? Ein Spaziergang durch die Dünen von Artola, Eryngium maritimum. / ¿Qué huele tan bien? Una caminata por las Dunas de Artola; Eryngium maritimum. / What is it that smells so good? A walk through the dunes of Artola, Eryngium maritimum.
A. Schmidt, 2022, Was riecht denn da so gut? Ein Spaziergang durch die Dünen von Artola, Teil 2: Pancratium maritimum: Weitere Geheimnisse…/ ¿Qué huele tan bien? Una caminata por las Dunas de Artola; Parte 2: Pancratium maritimum; algunos otros secretos… / Part 2: What is it that smells so good? A walk through the dunes of Artola, Pancratium maritimum: Some more mysteries….
A. Schmidt, D. Grosch, 2021. Plagen in den Mittelmeer-Kiefern (Pinus pinea) im Natur-Monument “Dünen von Artola”? / ¿Plagas en los Pinos piñoneros en el Monumento Natural “Dunas de Artola”? / Is there an insect infestation in the Stone Pines in the “Dunas de Artola” Natural Monument?
A. Schmidt, 2021, Was riecht denn da so gut? Ein Spaziergang durch die Dünen von Artola, Teil 1: Pancratium Maritimum. /¿Qué huele tan bien? Una caminata por las Dunas de Artola, Parte 2: Pancratium maritimum./ What is it that smells so good? A walk through the dunes of Artola, Pancratium maritimum.
A. Schmidt, Nachr. Chem. 2011, 59, 1100. Jubiläum mit Iminiumsalzen.
A. Schmidt, Nachr. Chem. 2009, 57, 1238. 9. Iminiumsalztagung.
A. Schmidt, Nachr. Chem. 2007, 55, 1137. Iminiumsalztagung.
A. Schmidt, Nachr. Chem. 2005, 11, 1170. Imsat-7.
A. Schmidt, T. Habeck, T. Mordhorst, TU Contact 2003, 13, 43 - 48. Mesomere Betaine: Von Laboratoriumskuriositäten zu biologischen Schlüsselmolekülen.
A. Schmidt, C. F. Otto, J. C. Namyslo, A. Fischer, K. Filip, Materialwissenschaftliches Symposium der TU Clausthal 2021, 25. – 26.2. 2021, Funktionalisierte Polymere auf Naturstoffbasis für Umwelttechnik und biologisiertes Metallrecycling
A. Schmidt, Florida Heterocyclic Conference FLOHET 2020, Gainesville, 1.- 4. 3. 2020. Vortrag: Linear and propeller-shaped di- to hexacationic quinolinium salts and mesomeric betaines.
A. Schmidt, 27th International Society of Heterocyclic Chemistry Congress, Kyoto, Japan, 1. - 6. 9. 2019. Vortrag: N-Heterocyclic Carbenes Derived from Sydnones in Heterocycle Synthesis and Catalysis.
F. Uhrner, F. Lederle, A. Schmidt, E. Hübner, 1. Tag der Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, 10. 7.2019. Poster: Synthese von push-pull-substituierten Furanonen
A. T. Storm, P. Dröttboom, M. Gjikaj, A. Schmidt, 1. Tag der Nachwuchswissenschaftler*ìnnen, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, 10.7.2019. Poster: Synthese von Thiazoliumsalzen und Untersuchung ihrer Eigenschaften.
A. Schmidt, Late Night Zoo, Erlebniszoo Hannover, 4.7.2019. Vortrag: Aus der Wunderwelt der Düfte und Aromen: Die chemische Kommunikation in der Natur.
A. Schmidt, Festkolloquium anläßlich des 25-jährigen Diploms, TU Clausthal, 15. 6.2019. Vortrag: Kommunikation mit Molekülen - Die Sprache der Natur
J. Mätzig, M. Stehle, M. Drache, K. Brandl, M. Jungbluth, J. C. Namyslo, A. Schmidt, S. Beuermann, 13th International Workshop on Polymer Reaction Engineering, 11.6. - 14.6. 2019, Hamburg. Poster: Identification of beta scission products from free radical polymerizations of butyl acrylate at high temperature.
S. Batsyts, Y. Ostapiuk, A. Schmidt, Lviv Chemical Readings 2019, 2.6. - 5.6. 2019, Lviv, Ukraine. Poster: pi-Architecture of Heterocyclic Mesomeric Betaines and Related Compounds.
A. Schmidt, Science on the rocks, TU Clausthal, 17.11.2017. Vortrag: Kommunikation mit Molekülen.
A.-L. Lücke, S. Wiechmann, M. Nieger, A. Schmidt, 13. Fachtagung über Iminiumsalze, 18.9. - 21.9.2017, Goslar. Poster: Carboxylate der Sydnone in Katalysereaktionen.
S. Batsyts, A. Schmidt, 13. Fachtagung über Iminiumsalze, 18.9 - 21.9.2017, Goslar. Poster: pi-Extended quinolinium-carboxylates.
F. Uhrner, F. Lederle, A. Schmidt, E. G. Hübner, 13. Fachtagung über Iminiumsalze, 18.9.-21. 9. 2017, Goslar. Poster: Synthese von push-pull-substituierten Furanonen.
A. Schmidt, 13. Fachtagung über Iminiumsalze, 18.9. - 21.9.2017, Goslar. Vortrag: N-Heterocyclische Carbene aus mesomeren Betainen und deren Boran-Addukte.
A.-L. Lücke, T. Freese, S. Wiechmann, M. Nieger, A. Schmidt, Niedersächsisches Katalyse-Symposium (NIKAS) 2016, 19.-20.9.2016, Braunschweig. Poster: N-Heterocyclic carbenes of sydnones and sydnone imines in catalysis.
A. Schmidt, ECHC 2016 - XXVII European Colloquium on Heterocyclic Chemistry, 3. - 6. Juli 2016, Amsterdam.
A. Schmidt, Universität Rostock, Institut für Organische Chemie, 18. Mai 2016. Vortrag: N-Heterocyclische Carbene aus Mesoionen und Verwandten - Neue Aspekte einer alten Verbindungsklasse in Strukturchemie und Katalyse
A. Schmidt, GDCh-Kolloquium der TU Chemnitz, 12. Mai 2016. Vortrag: N-Heterocyclische Carbene aus Mesoionen und Verwandten - Neue Aspekte einer alten Verbindungsklasse in Strukturchemie und Katalyse
A. Schmidt, FloHet-2016: Florida Heterocyclic and Synthetic Conference, University of Florida, Gainesville, USA, 28. Feb. - 2. März 2016. Vortrag: N-Heterocyclic Carbenes from Sydnones.
A. Schmidt, A. Smeyanov, S. Batsyts, J. C. Namyslo, 12. Tagung über Iminiumsalze, Goslar, 14. - 17. Sept. 2015. Vortrag: Dreifachbindungen in Verlegenheit bringen: Acetylen-Bauelemente in mesomeren Betainen und Carbenen.
J. Zhang, M. Nieger, A. Schmidt, 12. Tagung über Iminiumsalze, Goslar, 14. - 17. Sept. 2015. Poster: Zwitterionische Boran-Addukte von Imidazol-2-ylidenen an Uracil.
S. Wiechmann, A.-L. Lücke, T. Freese, M. Nieger, A. Schmidt, 12. Tagung über Iminiumsalze, Goslar, 14. - 17. Sept. 2015. Poster: N-Heterozyklische Carbene der Sydnone in der Katalyse.
M. Liu, M. Nieger, A. Schmidt, 12. Tagung über Iminiumsalze, Goslar, 14.- 17. Sept. 2015. Poster: N-Heterocyclic Carbenes by Tautomerism of 1,2,4-Triazolium-phenolates.
A. Schmidt, Z. Guan, A. Dreger, Bioheterocycles 2015, XVI International Conference on Heterocycles in Bioorganic Chemistry, Metz (Frankreich), 8. - 11. Juni 2015. Vortrag: Synthesis of Biorelevant Heterocycles with N-Heterocyclic Carbenes.
A. Schmidt, M. Albrecht, T. Mordhorst, C. F. Otto, H. Fleischhauer, M. Topp, 1. Niedersächsisches Symposium Materialtechnik, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, 12. - 13. Feb. 2015. Vortrag: Vom Punicin zu neuen Materialien. Konsequenzen planarer und nicht-planarer Ladungstrennung.
A.-L. Lücke, S. Wiechmann, A. Schmidt, Niedersächsisches Katalysesymposium, 16. - 17. Okt. 2014, Göttingen. Poster: N-Heterocyclic Carbenes of Sydnones in Catalysis.
A. Schmidt, Vortrag an der Univ. Ljubljana, Slowenien, 17.6.2014: From punicine to functionalized polymers. A small natural product as stimulus for the design of new organic materials.
A. Schmidt, Anorganisch-organisches Kolloquium, TU Braunschweig, 18.11.2013: Neue N-heterocyclische Carbene und Mesoionen in Synthese und Katalyse.
A. Smeyanov, A. Schmidt, Poster, IMSAT-11, 22.-25.9.2013, Goslar: Carbene oder Betaine? Terminale Hetareniumethinide und durch Ethineinheiten verlängerte mesomere Betaine.
N. Pidlypnyi, J. C. Namyslo, J. Zhang, A. Schmidt, Poster, IMSAT-11, 22.-25.9.2013, Goslar: N-Heterocyclische Carbene aus Yliden und ihre Abfangreaktionen zu neuen zwitterionischen Borheterocyclen.
Z. Guan, A. Schmidt, Poster, IMSAT-11, 22.-25.9.2013, Goslar: Umlagerungen von N-heterocyclischen Carbenen des Indazols.
A. Schmidt, S. Wiechmann, T. Freese, IMSAT-11, Goslar, 22.-25.9.2013: Was haben N-heterocyclische Carbene mit Mesoionen zu tun? Neues von Sydnonen und ihren Artgenossen.
A. Schmidt, A. Dreger, Z. Guan, S. Wiechmann, N. Pidlypnyi, FLOHET 2013, Gainesville (FL, USA), 3.-6.3.2013: N-Heterocyclic carbenes from mesomeric betaines. New syntheses of quinolines, acridines, and boron containing heterocycles.
A. Smeyanov, M. Albrecht, M. Nieger, A. Schmidt, Poster, ORCHEM 2012, 24.-26.9.2012, Weimar: New fluorescent acetylenes and thiophenes as MOF building blocks
N. Pidlypnyi, J. Namyslo, M. Drafz, E. Hübner, M. Nieger, A. Schmidt, Poster, ORCHEM 2012, 24.-26.9.2012, Weimar: N. Heterocyclic carbenes from mesoions. New NHC-borane adducts
Z. Guan, M. Drafz, E. Hübner, A. Schmidt, Poster, ORCHEM 2012, 24.-26.9.2012, Weimar: Rearrangement of N-heterocyclic carbenes of indazole to acridines
A. Rahimi, N. Rautzenberg, J. Halm, A. Schmidt, Poster, IMSAT-10, 12.-15.9.2011: Ein Cyclobuten-1,2-bis(imidazolium)salz als Präligand in Suzuki-Miyaura-Reaktionen
A. Smeyanov, M. Albrecht, M. Nieger, A. Schmidt, Poster, IMSAT-10, 12.-15.9.2011: Neue fluoreszente Acetylene und Thiophene als MOF-Bausteine
N. Pidlypnyi, S. Kaul, A. Schmidt, Poster, IMSAT-10, Bartholomä, 12.-15.9.2011: Synthesis and Reactions of (Indol-2-yl)imidazolium Salts and 2-(Imidazolium)-indolates
A. Schmidt, Vortrag, IMSAT-10, Bartholomä, 12.-15.9.2011: Neue N-heterocyclische Carbene des Pyrazols und Imidazols in Heterocyclensynthese und Katalyse
A. Schmidt, Vortrag, Université Paul Verlaine, Metz, Frankreich, 1. April 2011: The Chemistry of Betaines and Carbenes of Indazoles and Pyrazoles
A. Schmidt, Kolloquium, Univ. Saarbrücken, 31. 3. 2011: Betaine und Carbene des Indazols, Pyrazols und Imidazols: Neue Strukturen, Reagenzien und Katalysatoren
A. Schmidt, Vortrag, Université Paul Verlaine, Metz, Frankreich, 25. 3. 2011: From Natural Mesomeric Betaines to New Catalysts and Materials
A. Schmidt, A. Rahimi, N. Rautzenberg, J. Halm, The 12th Florida Heterocyclic and Synthetic Conference, Gainesville, FL (USA), 6. - 9. 3. 2011: Efficient Metal-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling Reactions Employing a Cyclobutene-1-2,diyl-bisimidazolium Salt as Preligand
A. Schmidt, Chemisches Kolloquium der Univ. Stuttgart, 15. 2. 2011: Von Betainen zu Carbenen: Neue Strukturen und Katalysatoren
A. Rahimi, A. Schmidt, Niedersächsisches Katalyse-Symposium, 21. - 22. 10. 2010, Univ. Göttingen: A Cyclobutene-1,2-diylbis(imidazolium) Salt as Catalyst Precursor for Suzuki-Miyaura Reactions
A. Schmidt, A. Dreger, N. Münster, R. Cisneros Camuna, T. A. Rokob, I. Pápai, ORCHEM 2010, 13. - 15. 9. 2010, Weimar: New substituted 4-Aminoquinolines by Rearrangemanet of N-Heterocyclic Carbenes of Pyrazoles
A. Schmidt, Kolloquium der Siemens AG, Erlangen, 16. 6. 2010: Vom Granatapfel-Inhaltsstoff zu neuen Materialien
A. Schmidt, Anorganisch-Organisches Kolloquium der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal, 14. 6. 2010: Das Wechselwpiel von Plus und Minus in der Chemie biorelevanter Moleküle: Neue Carbene, Betaine und Polykationen
A. Schmidt, M. Albrecht, J. Adams, M. Yulikov, T. Kohn, G. Jeschke, 9th International Symposium on Functional pi-Electron Systems, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA, 23.- 28. Mai 2010: Pyridinium Salts and Ylides as Partial Structures of Photoresponsive Merrifield Resins
A. Dreger, A. Schmidt, IMSAT-7, 7.- 10. 9. 2009, Aalen: Vom Pyrazol zum Chinolin über N-heterocyclische Carbene
A. Schmidt, IMSAT-9, 7.-10. 9. 2009, Aalen: Vom Punicin zu neuen Materialien: Konsequenzen planarer und nicht-planarer Ladungstrennung
A. Schmidt, Pharmazeutisch-chemisches Kolloquium der Universität Bonn, 15. 7. 2009, Bonn: Biologische Aktivitäten und synthetisches Potential von mesomeren Naturstoff-Betainen
A. Schmidt, Organisches Kolloquium der Universität Mainz, 19. 6. 2009: Die molekulare Welt des Plus und Minus: Neue N-heterocyclische Carbene, Betaine und organische Polykationen.
C. Capel-Ferrón, J. Casado, J. T. López Navarrete, A. Dreger, A. Schmidt, F. J. Ramírez, Aplicación de la Espectroscpía Raman al Estudio de la Pseudo-Cross-Conjugation en Betaínas Mesoméricas
A. Schmidt, Anorganisch-organisches Kolloquium der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal, 4. 6. 2009, Wuppertal: Chemie mit plus und minus: Mesomere Betaine als Quellen N-heterocyclischer Carbene
A. Schmidt, Institutsvortrag, 11. 5. 2009, Koblenz: Das Spiel mit Plus und Minus: Von Betainen, Carbenen und neuen Materialien nach dem Vorbild der Natur
A. Schmidt, GDCh-Kolloquium der Hochschule Aalen, 28. 4. 2009, Aalen: Über Stiefkinder der Carben-Chemie: N-Heterocyclische Carbene des Indazols und Pyrazols als vielseitige Reagenzien der organischen Synthese
A. Schmidt, 10th Florida Heterocyclic and Synthetic Conference (FLOHET-10), 8. - 11. 3. 2009, Gainesville (FL, USA): N-Heterocyclic Carbenes of Indazole and Pyrazole: Syntheses and Applications
A. Schmidt, B. Snovydovych, L. Merkel, T. Habeck, A. Lindner, A. Beutler, Zing Conference on Carbene Chemistry, 18. - 21. 2. 2009, Playa del Carmen (Mexiko): N-Heterocyclic Carbenes of Indazole: Syntheses and Applications
A. Schmidt, Chemisches Kolloquium der Universität Düsseldorf, 13.11.2008, Düsseldorf: Chemie mit Plus und Minus. Mesomere Betaine als Quellen N-heterocyclischer Carbene
A. Schmidt, B. Snovydovych, J. Casado, J. J. Quirante, J. T. López-Navarrete, F. J. Ramírez, XXI. Reunión Nacional de Espectroscopía, V. Congreso Ibérico de Espectroscopía, 9. - 11. 9. 2008, Murcia (Spanien): Caracterización por espectroscopía vibracional de la descarboxilación de 1,2-dimetil indazolio-3-carboxilato
A. Lindner, A. Schmidt, IMSAT-Workshop 2008, 18. - 21. 6. 2008, Rostock: Neue Pyrrolobenzodiazepine im Umfeld der Circumdatin-Alkaloide.
A. Schmidt, T. Mordhorst, T. Habeck, A. S. Lindner, IMSAT-Workshop 2008, 18. - 21. 6. 2008, Rostock: Neue Aspekte eines Klassikers: Stabilisierende und aktivierende Effekte von DMAP in Synthese und molekularer Erkennung
B. Snovydovych, A. Schmidt, IMSAT-Workshop 2008, 18. - 21. 6. 2008, Rostock: Das N-Heterocyclische Carben Indazol-3-yliden als Reagenz: Effiziente Dehalogenierungen und überraschende Indazol - Cinnolin-Ringerweiterungen
A. Schmidt, Organisch-chemisches Kolloquium der Universität Jena, 26. Mai 2008, Jena: Ladungstrennung und Naturstoffe. Über Betaine, Ylide und Carbene
A. Schmidt, GDCh-Kolloqium der Universität Rostock, 8. Nov. 2007, Rostock: Neue Aspekte ehemaliger Labor-Kuriositäten: Zur Naturstoffchemie mesomerer Betaine
A. Schmidt, A. S. Lindner, J. Casado, F. J. Ramírez, XXXI Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Espanola de Química, 9. - 14. Sept. 2007, Toledo, Spanien: Análisis Estructural y Espectroscopía Vibracional de Betaínas Mesoméricas Constituídas por Uracilo y N,N-Dimetilpiridina
A. Schmidt, B. Snovydovych, T. Habeck, A. Lindner, IMSAT-8, 11. - 13. Sept. 2007, Bartholomä/Ostalbkreis: Das spannende Wechselspiel zwischen Plus und Minus: Synthesen und Mechanismen aus dem Umfeld der Betain-Alkaloide Nigellicin und Circumdatin A/B
M. Albrecht, M. Topp, G. Jeschke, A. Schmidt, IMSAT-8, 11. - 13. Sept. 2007, Bartholomä/Ostalbkreis: Vom Granatapfel-Alkaloid Punicin zu redoxaktiven Materialien
A. Beutler, M. Albrecht, B. Snovydovych, F. J. Ramírez Aguilar, A. Schmidt, IMSAT-8, 11. - 13. Sept. 2007, Bartholomä/Ostalbkreis: Imidazol-4- und 2-yliden durch Decarboxylierung des Alkaloids Norzooanemonin und seines Isomeren
A. Schmidt, T. Mordhorst, W. Telle, Eighth Tetrahedron Symposium, 26. - 29. Juni 2007, Berlin, Abstract [P3.48]: Syntheses of Highly Functionalized Pyridines by Hetarenium-Activation
A. Schmidt, M. Albrecht, M. Topp, G. Jeschke, Eighth Tetrahedron Symposium, 26. - 29. Juni 2007, Berlin, Abstract [P1.52]: From Mesomeric Betaines to Persistent Radicals: The Alkaloid Punicin from Punica granatum as Partial Structure of New Materials
A. Schmidt, F. J. Ramírez, XXVIII European Congress on Molecular Spectroscopy, 3. - 8. Sept. 2006, Istanbul, Türkei: DFT Calculations and Vibrational (FT-IR, FT-Raman) Spectra on an Uracilyl-Pyridinium Salt
A. Schmidt, A. Lindner, 13th FECHEM Conference "Heterocycles in Bio-organic Chemistry", 28.- 31. Mai 2006, Sopron, Ungarn: Syntheses, pi-Interactions, and Base-pairings of Betainic Uracil and Guanine Model Compounds
A. Schmidt, A. Beutler, T. Habeck, L. Merkel, T. Mordhorst, H. Fleischhauer, B. Snovydovych, 13th FECHEM Conference "Heterocycles in Bio-organic Chemistry", 28.- 31. Mai 2006, Sopron, Ungarn: Nucleophilic Carbenes and Stable Radicals Derived from Mesomeric Betaines of Natural Sources
A. Schmidt, M. Erlei, Wissenschaft im Rathaus, 22. Feb. 2006, Goslar: Vortrag: Konflikt und Kooperation - Unterschiedliche Perspektiven aus Natur und Gesellschaft
A. Schmidt, Öffentlicher Vortrag zu den von der Robert Bosch Stiftung geförderten Projekten, 30. Sept. 2005, Gymnasium Robert Koch Schule, Clausthal-Zellerfeld: Naturstoffe: Isolierung, chemische Modifizierungen und Anwendungen
A. Beutler, T. Habeck, L. Merkel, A. Schmidt, 1st German-French Congress in Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 7. – 11. Sept. 2005, Goslar: Pseudo-Cross-Conjugated Heterocyclic Mesomeric Betaines: A Class of its Own
A. Schmidt, T. Habeck, L. Merkel, T. Mordhorst, H. Fleischhauer, 7. Iminiumsalztagung, 6. – 8. September 2005, Bartholomä / Ostalbkreis: Nucleophile Carbene und stabile Radikale aus mesomeren Naturstoff-Betainen
A. Schmidt, Vortrag, 26. April 2005, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-UniversitätGreifswald, Institut für Chemie und Biochemie, Greifswald: Zur Bioorganischen Chemie ladungsgetrennter Naturstoffe
A. Schmidt, M. Erlei, Öffentlicher Abendvortrag, Rathaus Osterode, 19. April 2005, Osterode am Harz: Konflikt und Kooperation - Unterschiedliche Perspektiven aus Natur und Gesellschaft
A. Schmidt, L. Merkel, A. Gholipour Shilabin, T. Habeck, T. Mordhorst, H. Fleischhauer, Chemiedozententagung 2005, 6. - 9. März 2005, München: Nucleophile Carbene und Verwandte aus Naturstoffen.
A. Schmidt, A. Gholipour Shilabin, XXIst European Colloquium on Heterocyclic Chemistry, Abstract TP-46, 12. - 15. Sept. 2004, Sopron, Ungarn: On Betainic Pyrrolobenzodiazepins as Derivatives of Circumdatins.
A. Schmidt, T. Habeck, L. Merkel, XXIst European Colloquium on Heterocyclic Chemistry, Abstract TP-47, 12. - 15. Sept. 2004, Sopron, Ungarn: Pyrazolium- and Indazolium-Carboxylates as Analogues of the Betainic Alkaloid Nigellicine.
A. Schmidt, T. Mordhorst, A. Gholipour Shilabin, T. Habeck, Chemiedozententagung 2004, Abstract C 28, 7. - 10. März 2004, Dortmund: (Naturstoff-)Chemie mit heteroaromatischen Oligokationen und mesomeren Betainen.
A. Schmidt, 6. Tagung über Iminiumsalze, 16. - 18. Sept. 2003, Stimpfach-Rechenberg: Von Laboratoriumskuriositäten zu biologischen Schlüsselmolekülen: Neues von mesomeren Betainen.
A. Schmidt, T. Habeck, T. Mordhorst, 10th Blue Danube Symposium on Heterocyclic Chemistry, 3.9. - 6.9.2003, Wien, Österreich: Heterocyclic Mesomeric Betaines in Nature. On Structural Analogs of Alkaloids from Nigella sativa and Punica granatum
A. Schmidt, Chemiedozententagung 2003, Abstrct A22, 16.3. - 19.3.2003, Chemnitz: Vom Spiel der Ladungen in Heteroaromaten: Synthesen, chemische Eigenschaften und molekulare Erkennung
A. Schmidt, T. Habeck, 36. Diskussionstagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie, Abstract P50, 9.3. - 12. 3.2003, Münster: In-situ-Reactions of Stable Carbenes Derived from Pseudo-Cross-Conjugated Heterocyclic Mesoeric Betaines under ESI-Conditions.
A. Schmidt, T. Mordhorst, T. Habeck, Posterbeitrag, Fifth International Symposium on Functional p-Electron Systems, 30.5.- 4.6.2002, Ulm, Germany: Chargesin Conjugated Heteroaromatics: Novel Pentacations, Trications,Tripoles,and Mesomeric Betaines of Pyrimidine and Pyridine.
A. Schmidt, N. Kobakhidze, M. K. Kindermann, Posterbeitrag, Fifth International Symposium on Functional p-Electron Systems, 30.5.- 4.6.2002, Ulm, Germany: Cross-Conjugated Mesomeric Betaines.Intermolecular Interactions of Betainic Guanine Model Compounds.
A. Schmidt, N. Kobakhidze, M. K. Kindermann, Posterbeitrag, 35. Diskussionstagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie, Abstract P45, 3.-6. März 2002, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum Heidelberg: Modified Nucleobases. Self-Complementarity and Base-Pairing of Betainic Guanine Model Compounds
A. Schmidt, M. K. Kindermann, M. Nieger, Posterbeitrag, ACS Meeting Washington, D.C., Abstract ORGN 412, 20.-24. Aug. 2000, Washington, USA: Dipolar, Tripolar, and Tricationic Pyrimidines: Synthesis and Properties of Mesomeric Betainium Salts.
A. Schmidt, P. Vainiotalo, M. K. Kindermann, M. Nieger, Posterbeitrag, ACS Meeting Washington, D.C., Abstract ORGN 480, 20 - 24. Aug. 2000, Washinton, USA: Noncovalent Interactions of Modifed Nucleobases: p-Stacking Interactions and Hydrogen Bonding of Cations, Anions,and Mesomeric Betaines of Uracil.
A. Schmidt, Vortrag, Chemiedozententagung 1999, Abstract A 23, 14. - 17. März 1999, Oldenburg: Variationen über das Thema Mesomere Betaine.
A. Schmidt, M. K. Kindermann, Posterbeitrag, 17th International Congress of Heterocyclic Chemistry, Aug. 1999, Wien, Österreich: Positively Charged Pyrimidin-4-aminides: Synthesis and Properties of Mesomeric Betainium Salts.
A. Schmidt, M. K. Kindermann, M. Nieger, Posterbeitrag, 37. IUPAC Congress / 27. Hauptversammlung der GDCh, Abstract ORG-2-053, Aug. 1999, Berlin: Dipolar,Tripolarand Tricationic Pyrimidines: Synthesis and PropertiesofMesomericBetainium Salts, an Unusual Class of Compounds.
A. Schmidt, M. K. Kindermann, M. Nieger, P. Vainiotalo, Posterbeitrag, 37. IUPAC Congress / 27. Hauptversammlung der GDCh, Abstract ORG-2-052, Aug. 1999, Berlin: Noncovalent Interactions of Modified Nucleobases: p-Stacking Interactions and Hydrogen Bonding of Cations, Anions, and Mesomeric Betaines of Uracil.
A. Schmidt, M. K. Kindermann, Posterbeitrag, XVIIIth European Colloquium on Heterocyclic Chemistry, Abstract B11, Okt. 1998, Rouen, Frankreich: TripolarBetainiumSalts. 2,6-Bis(hetarenio)pyrimidin-4-olates:Betaines with anOdd Numberof Positive and Negative Charges inCross-Conjugation.
A. Schmidt, M. K. Kindermann, Posterbeitrag, XVIIIth European Colloquium on Heterocyclic Chemistry, Abstract B10, Okt. 1998, Rouen, Frankreich: Mesomeric Betaines of Uracil.
A. Schmidt, M. K. Kindermann, Posterbeitrag, The Seventh International Kyoto Conference on New Aspects of Organic Chemistry (IKCOC-7), Abstract PP-075, November 1997, Kyoto, Japan: Betainic Nucleobases. Cross-Conjugated Mesomeric Betaines of Uracil.
A. Schmidt, Posterbeitrag, 14th Meeting on Organic Chemistry, Abstract P16, Aug. 1997,Rostock-Warnemünde: Charged and Betainic Nucleobases. Synthesis and Properties of Uracilium Salts and Mesomeric Uracilylbetaines.
A. Schmidt, A. Hetzheim, Posterbeitrag, XVIIth European Colloquium on Heterocyclic Chemistry, Abstract CH 25, Okt. 1996, Regensburg: Charge-cumulated Hetarenes. Syntheses and Properties of (Pyrimidin-2,4,6-triyl)-tris-hetarenium Salts.